Thursday, February 14, 2008


Dentistry is the science of diagnosis deterrence and medication of conditions diseases infections and maladies of the oral cavity A dentist is the doctor skilled to treat such diseases malformations and injuries to teeth Dentists like other mainstream medical doctors practice in clinics However a dentists clinic is much different from that of a regular doctor for many various reasons

A dental clinic much like a conventional medical clinic is a place where people with dental ailments can get their problems solved by a medically qualified dentist A dental clinic is fully equipped with all the dental equipment that the dentist might require to treat all types of dental issues There is everything from tooth extraction machines and tools to xray machines from teeth whitening machinery to mouthwashes and fluoridation gear from teeth bracing apparatuses to denture fixtures All equipment in the dental clinics is directly or indirectly related to a persons mouth and teeth and is required to be sterilized before another individual is treated with the same equipment Sterilization and cleanliness is an essential part of dental clinics and must be practiced by all dentists to avoid spread of any infection or mouth disease.Many dentists also have a counselor to meet with all patients and advise them on proper dental care They are told by the counselor how to brush their teeth floss them and are given a good brand of toothpaste or mouthwash These counselors speak to people about how to control bad breath and how to develop strong teeth Other than these counselors many clinics also have their own dental pharmacy section where patients can buy the tablets and medicines that have been recommended by the dentist.Dental clinic can be a savior or a burden to those that visit This of course depends upon what kind of insurance you have and your options that are available Sometimes they have a bad rap Here are a few things to look for when choosing a dental clinic for you and your family. It is not the kind of appointment that we are most eager to attend Often we will wish that the date will be moved or cancelled Dentists are probably the most feared among health practitioners Children often behave like meek lambs when told they are to be sent to the dentist as punishment for behaving badly Most of us have been scared of dentists since we were young Often we stick with the dentist our family knows for years but it is also wise to evaluate if our dentist is providing us with adequate treatment If not it is probably best to seek a new and better practitioner Moving to a new place also presents the problem of finding a good dentist

Check if there is a dental school nearby Dental schools are good sources of fine practicing dentists You can call and ask for the names of the practicing faculty members. Check for hospitals and heath care centers that provide dental services in your area The dentist in charge in those facilities may be able to provide you with good recommendations The dentist in charge may very well know the reputations and performances of his colleagues practicing in the area.You can ask an orthodontist or a periodontist if you know one They will be able to recommend to you a good general practitioner These specialists should be familiar with the kind of work referring dentists do.

If you are moving to a new place you can ask your current dentist if he knows of a good dentist in your new location

Your new dentist should carry out a preventative approach This means that on your first visit he should perform a thorough medical and dental history with a complete head and neck examination Head and neck exam is usually done on the patients very first visit and every 6 months thereafter. Your dentist should provide you with the adequate knowledge on how to take care of your teeth and perform good oral hygiene These are the preventative measures in fighting against dental decay and other dental problems

Your dentist should invite you back for regular checkups This will ensure that no problem will be left unchecked The dental hygienist should perform oral prophylaxis or dental cleaning after every 6 months. Your dentist should take xrays more responsibly Full series of Xrays should be taken no more than once every five years or so Not taking any Xrays on the other hand is as bad as taking Xrays too often. Your dentist and dental hygienist should practice proper care against infection They should wear rubber gloves and a mask when treating their patients Your dentist should be keen in explaining to you any sanitary procedures his clinic is implementing and or using to protect his patients and himself against unwanted infections Finding a good dentist is not really so difficult only if you know how to handle it.There is nothing more important than taking good care of your health Regarding your teeth and the hygiene of your family the best way to make sure you and your family receive the best health care services is turning to a reputable dental clinic to maintain your dental hygiene When choosing one for your family make sure the one that you choose is not only covered by your dental plan but also offers a wide range of family health care professionals and is staffed by reputable dentists

Word of mouth may actually be the best way to determine if a dental clinic is the best choice for you My family and I have used three different dentists all of which have been recommended for their outstanding work I did not nor would I have found these dentists in the phone book and I certainly would not have had the instant trust that I had if I had found them online.Make sure you hear things such as the staff is great at making the patients feel comfortable and secure in the dentist office Make sure that the dentist has all of the necessary certifications to do the dental work that you need.Most dental offices will offer simple things like tooth bleaching implants fillings tooth extraction and regular checkups Make sure that your insurance will cover them Also check to see if they are part of their preferred provider program so that you can get an even larger discount.Moreover make sure that your first visit to the dental clinic is a happy one If you felt comfortable come back If not do not come back You have to be comfortable while someone is drilling on your teeth or you should not even be in the room.

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